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Steel Mesh
Steel mesh is also called welded fabric, and it is manufactured according to BS 4483:2005. Welded Fabric is fabricated using cold-drawn wire coils and precut wire lengths that are produced from Wire Rod. Welded Fabric is widely used in the structural elements of slabs and Walls and occasionally used in Columns and Beam links and Stirrup Cages. Due to its flexibility and controlled manufacturing process. Welded Fabric can be produced in flat sheet or shape form to suit any structural requirement. Welded Fabric is also commonly used as the reinforcement of pavements and roads.
The product incorporates horizontal, vertical bars, and wires, welded together by an automated machine. In structural elements, the welded joints are non-structural and are considered as an alternative to tying wires to fix the steel bars and / or wires in position. The product is manufactured with high and consistent quality to control and reduce material wastage.
The installation of Welded Fabric requires manual installation on-site by laying sheets of the product according to the construction design drawings and specifications. Despite the manual work, the product provides cost-reduction due to the enhanced speed of construction and lesser manpower required for installation.
Model No. :
Suppliers : Golik Metal Manufacturing Company Limited
Supplier Type: Manufacturer
Address:3 Dai Shing Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong
Telephone:2674 3580
Email:[email protected]
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Recognised Certifications and Standards:
  • CIC Green Product Certification
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