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Electricity-Free Cooling Paint
Inspired by the skin structure with self-cooling function of the Saharan Desert ant, i2Cool created a cooler that can reflect most of the solar heat (>95% reflectivity) while effectively emitting thermal energy as mid-infrared (>95% emissivity) to the cold universe; Since the earth's atmosphere is transparent to the mid-infrared radiation, the heat emitted by the cooler can pass through the atmosphere and be absorbed by the cold outer space. By covering the roof or exterior walls with the cooler, the effect of " electricity-free cooling" can be achieved without energy input or refrigerant.
1)Outstanding optical performance brings perfect efficiency of energy saving: By applying 1 meter squared of the technology, it helps save 1007.4 kWh of energy per year, which means saving approximately 906.7 kg of carbon emission, equivalent to about 82.42 units of planting on the planet;
2)Avoiding any problems of light pollution with low gloss;
3)Need no special pasting procedure or protection beforehand with the superior performance of mechanical tests, with an easier way of application.
Model No. :白色
Suppliers : I2Cool Limited
Supplier Type: Manufacturer
Address:Room 41, 6F, Man Cheong Building, Man Cheong Street, Yau Tsim Mong, Kowloon
Email:[email protected]
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Recognised Certifications and Standards:
  • CIC Green Product Certification
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