Company Introduction:
Our mission is to promote environmental health, improve community resistance to antibiotics, and address issues related to environmental hormones. Besides providing efficient and eco-friendly cleaning products and solutions, we also plan to hold various health-related seminars in every sector for developers, management company, teachers and parents. We hope that as the public returns to normal life, they will give more thought to sanitation and hygiene.
Contact Information:
21807129 |
[email protected] |
Youtube videos links:
No Record
Brand name E-News
| Synbio合生元是一種獨特的專利組合配方,包含益生菌(良好細菌)和益生元(良好糖類)。我們使用100%天然的合生元成分,創造創新且可靠的產品,增強空間、人類和環境的自然平衡。
Synbio環境益生菌系列產品針對人體、寵物、養殖、農業等外在環境,維持良好的微生物群落平衡,以洐生更清潔健康的生活,100%天然,未經轉基因 (非轉基因);列在歐洲食品安全局部 (EFSA) 用於食品加工的安全成份清單中。
Green Care Professional
| Green Care Professional 堅持使用100%生物可降解、無毒、天然的原料,減少了對環境的影響。
基於這一基本理解,品牌制訂了「循環」策略。獲Cradle to Cradle® 認證產品系列所用的材料均可回歸到技術和生物循環中。