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  Wo Lee Steel Co., Ltd.
Company Introduction:

With over 60 years history in steel stockkeeping, fabrication , innovation and over 400,000 sq ft warehousing & fabrication space, Wo Lee is focused on being the best provider in steel construction
Contact Information:
2393 0131
[email protected]
1/F, 81-87 Tung Chau Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon
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No. of Products: 6  
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I-Beams (Low Tensile) Steel Products made from Siam Yamato Steel Company Limited's structural steel

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I-Beams (High Tensile) Steel products made from Siam Yamato Steel Company Limited's structural steel

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H-Beams (Low Tensile) Steel products made from Siam Yamato Steel Company Limited's structural steel

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H-Beams (High Tensile) Steel products made from Siam Yamato Steel Company Limited's structural steel

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Channel & PFC (Low Tensile) Steel products made from Siam Yamato Steel Company Limited's structural steel

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Channel and PFC (High Tensile) Steel Products made from Siam Yamato Steel Company Limited's structural steel

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