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  Bamboo International (Group) Co. Ltd.
Company Introduction:

Using bamboo as the core building material, Bamboo International (Group) Co. Ltd. (BIL) dedicate our efforts to protect the environment in style.

We continue to invest in R&D to explore the full potential in the usage of bamboo as a sustainable alternative to wood.

We are completely vertically integrated possessing in-house capability to provide top quality, end-to-end design and build solution.
Contact Information:
+852 2891 3191
[email protected]
Unit 12, 10F, Siu Wai Industrial Building, 29-33 Wing Hong Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Youtube videos links:

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No. of Products: 5  
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Bamboo Acoustic Panel

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Solid Bamboo Fin

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Outdoor Bamboo Deck

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Bamboo baffle ceiling

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Solid bamboo panel

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