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  Shiu Wing Steel Ltd
Company Introduction:

Shiu Wing Steel is the only steel rolling mill in Hong Kong and has been the leading manufacturer and retailer of concrete reinforcing bars (rebars) for over 50 years. The company is also a rebar stockist and a government-listed 'Cut-and-Bent (C&B)' operator of steel rebars.
Contact Information:
[email protected]
5 Lung Yiu Street, Area 38, Tap Shek Kok,
Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
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No. of Products: 4  
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Low carbon rebars, TUK33

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Low carbon rebars, TUK34

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Low carbon Cut-&-Bent products, TUK33-CnB

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Low carbon Cut-&-Bent products, TUK34-CnB

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