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- 全球已認可的綠色建築產品認證和標準:
認證或計劃的類別 全球已認可的認證或計劃
A. 環保標籤計劃
A1. 建造業議會綠色產品認證
A2. 巴西國家標準組織(ABNT) 環境品質
A3. Agrément South Africa Ecolabel (ecoASA) by Agrément South Africa
A4. Austrian Ecolabel by the Federal Minister of Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
A5. CRI Green Label Plus
A6. 中環聯合認證中心 - 中國環境標誌
A7. 中國質量認證中心(CQC) - 中國環保產品認證
A8. China Green Building Materials Label
A9. 德國聯邦環境局 Der Blaue Engel (Blue Angel)
A10. Eco-Choice Africa Ecolabelling Programme by Eco-Choice Africa
A11. 日本環境協會(JEA)生態標章事務局 - 日本生態標章計劃(Eco Mark Program)
A12. Ecogloballabel NSO-NAP 3 Standard by Integrated Business Institute (NSO)
A13. Ecolabel Indonesia by Ministry of Environment of Indonesia
A14. Eco-Labelling by International Academy of Ecology of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A15. Ecolabelling Program in Ukraine by Living Planet
A16. EcoLogo by UL Environment, North America
A17. Eco Label Sri Lanka
A18. 捷克共和國環境部 Ekologicky šetrné výrobky
A19. 紐西蘭環保標章
A20. Turkish Environment Label
A21. EPA certificates by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
A22. 美國綠色電子委員會 - 電子產品環境影響評估工具(EPEAT)
A23. 歐盟執行委員會 - 歐盟生態標籤認證
A24. FloorScore® by SCS Global Services
A25. German GUT certification
A26. Global Green Tag
A27. 澳洲環保標章
A28. 瑞典自然保護協會 - 瑞典環保生態標章
A29. Green Choice Philippines by Philippine Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Inc
A30. Green Label Indonesia certification by Green Product Council Indonesia
A31. Green Label: Thailand by Thailand Environment Institute
A32. 德國萊因TÜV綠色產品標誌 
A33. 綠標籤
A34. 環境與發展基金會 - 環保標章
A35. GreenPro by Confederation of Indian Industry
A36. 香港綠色標誌
A37. 香港環境保護總會(HKFEP) - 香港環保標誌
A38. 環保促進會 - 香港環保標籤計劃(HKGLS)
A39. Israeli Green Label by The Standard Institution of Israel (also own Green Building Certification), Israel
A40. Ministerio De Ambiente Y Desarrollo Sostenible Minambiete, Colombia
A41. NGBS Green Certified Product program
A42. 北歐天鵝標章
A43. NSF/ANSI 140 Sustainable Carpet Assessment (NSF® 140) by NSF
A44. NSF/ANSI 332 Sustainability Assessment for Resilient Floor Coverings
A45. SGS Eco-Product Mark
A46. 新加坡綠建材標章
A47. 新加坡環保標章計劃
A48. 馬來西亞環保標章
A49. TCO 認證
A50. The Korean Eco-Label Program by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
A51. TÜV PROFiCERT-product Interior certification
A52. Vietnam Green Label
A53. Vitality Leaf by Saint-Petersburg Ecological Union of Russia
A54. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃
B. 回收目錄產品認證
B1. Global Recycle Standard by Istituto Certificazione Etica E Ambientale, Italy
B2. Recycled Content Certification by GreenCircle
B3. SCS 回收材料驗證
B4. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃
C. 可持續資源產品認證
C1. 森林管理委員會 (FSC) Label of Custody by FSC International
C2. Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme by Malaysian Timber Certification Council
C3. 森林驗證認可計劃 (PEFC) – Chain of Custody by PEFC International
C4. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃
D. 能源效益標籤
D1. China Certification for Energy Conservation Scheme by China Standard Certification Centre (CSC)
D2. CRRC Product Rating Program
D3. Energy Efficient Program by International Energy Agency, Australia
D4. Energy Efficiency Rating & Labeling Scheme by Malaysia
D5. 美國能源之星計劃 and Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) for energy efficient products
D6. EU Energy Label according to 92/75/EEC
D7. 韓國高效設備程式
D8. 香港機電工程署 - 強制性能源效益標籤計劃 (MEELs)
D9. 香港機電工程署 - 自願性能源效益標籤計劃 (VEELs)
D10. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃
E. 產品碳足跡標籤
E1. Carbon Trust Label
E2. Japan Carbon Footprint Labelling Scheme by Ministryof Economy, Trade and Industry
E3. Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint Reducing Labelling Scheme by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration
E4. Thailand’s Carbon Footprint Reduction Label
E5. The Korean Carbon Footprint Labelling by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI)
E6. SIRIM Product Carbon Footprint Certification Scheme by SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
E7. CARES scheme for Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete by UK Care carbon footprint scheme
E8. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃
F.  無有害物質
F1. Design for the Environment (DfE) Program for lower hazard products
F2. French VOC emissions labelling
F3. 無有害物質標章
F4. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃
G. 其他綠色產品認證
G1. 搖籃到搖籃認證
G3. GBM Marker by Taiwan Architecture and Building Centre
G4. 綠色衛士認證
G5. GreenScreen® For Safer Chemicals
G6. IBU Type III Environmental Declaration
G7. ISO 14025 Type III Environmental Declaration (EPD)
G8. Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program for ozone-depleting chemical substitutes
G9. 香港水務署 - 自願參與用水效益標籤計劃 (WELS)
G10. WaterSense for water efficient products
G11. 任何香港綠色建築議會批准的同等認證或計劃

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