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  Multi-Way Industries Limited
Company Introduction:

Design, production and supply of ready mixed concrete, ready-to-use mortars and floor screeds.
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Unit 2301-03, 23/F., Futura Plaza, 111-113 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Youtube videos links:

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No. of Products: 37  
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Grade 35 OPC (BC35TG)

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Grade 35 PFA (CC35TGX)

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Grade 35 Waterproof (CC35TGRX)

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Grade 40 PFA (BC40TGX2)

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Grade 40 PFA WP (CC40TGRX)

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Grade 45 PFA CSF (GC45TXGW)

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Grade 50 PFA (FC50TGX)

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Grade 50 Marine (GC50TXMS)

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Grade 55 PFA CSF (GC55TXTS)

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Grade 60 PFA (GC60TGX)

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Grade 60 PFA CSF (GC60TXMS)

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Grade 60 Tremie (ZC60TXW)

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Brand name E-News

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