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  Redland Concrete Limited
Company Introduction:

Redland Concrete Limited, which was founded in 1986, is one of the main ready-mix concrete suppliers in Hong Kong. Its business includes the production and supply of concrete and mortar.
Contact Information:
2739 0663
[email protected]
8/F, Kaiseng Commercial Center, 4-6 Hankow Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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No. of Products: 105  
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Grade 35/20 PFA WP-100mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 40/20 35%PFA-150mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 40/20 35% PFA-100mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 PFA WP-150mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 35%PFA-200mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 35%PFA-150mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 PFA-150mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 PFA-125mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 35%PFA-100mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 45/20 PFA-100mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 60/20 PFA WP-200mm Slump (YT)

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Grade 60/20 35%PFA-200mm Slump (YT)

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